Countdown to holiday!!! 6 Days in counting!!
Muhahahahas!!! Woots!! (:

Tomorrow is Friday!! Weekend comes and then last week of school for sem 2 yr 1!!!
For the 1st time in 2 weeks since school reopen, i did my part today.
Was serious in class and did my work. Hahas. I told myself to endure for this last week le!hahas.
I m gonna be fat again le!!! Argh!! i m always hungry during the not eating time. But during lunchtime all dat, i dun feel hungry.. i keep eating stuffs!!.... I don't want to be fat!!! -.- LOL..

I love you - these 3 words contain my life in them just for you :D

delvyn @ Thursday, January 15, 2009;8:25:00 PM